What is a syndic ?

The syndic represents the co-ownership and takes care of the administrative and financial management of the residence. He is also in charge of maintaining the building and executing the decisions taken by the general assembly. He is responsible for the management of the common areas and ensures their proper functioning. He represents the syndicate of co-owners towards third parties. He also acts on behalf of the co-ownership in all civil acts and in court.

Our mission



- Holding of the General Assemblies
- Ensures that the co-ownership rules are respected by all parties
- Elaborate and keep up to date the maintenance booklet of the residence
- Management of the treasury and the expenses
- Negotiation and revision of contracts related to the co-ownership
- Selection of suppliers with the best quality/price ratio
- Call for tenders and competition
- Ordering and monitoring of work


- Regular visits of the residence's common areas with reports
- Assistance in the delivery of common areas and follow-up of reservations
- Assistance of experts for the whole of the missions of monitoring
- Exchange of information with the union council for a transparent management


Control of all insurance contracts:
- Damage to the building
- Multi-risk co-ownership
- Legal protection
And in the event of damage:
- Presence at the expertise
- Quick intervention
- Emergency measures
- Follow-up of works and appeals


- Establishment and analysis of provisional budgets
- Monthly payment of the levies
- Management of the receipts and expenses of the co-ownership


- Keeping the general accounts of the co-ownership
- Management of the individual accounts of the co-owners
- Call for provisions for current charges
- Collection of charges
- Encoding of the invoices
- Control of the bank statements
- Follow-up of unpaid invoices
- Payment of service providers
- Presentation of accounts and requests to the authorities (recoverable charges, VAT)
- Management of calls for funds for exceptional work